2014 Adieu

I hope the treasured memories you have in your own mind  are as wonderful as those in the British Museum when I took this photo on a summer's day.
I hope the treasured memories you have in your own mind are as wonderful as those in the British Museum when I took this photo on a summer’s day.

Just a day away before we relegate the year to the glass cabinets in our own personal museums of nostalgia.

I was in the British Museum some time in the past and the cloudless summer sky lit up the atrium in a spectacular way. I had achieved my principal goal, to see the Portland Vase, and was at leisure to take in the rest of the exhibits at a pleasant pace.

What is this strange fascination that humans have for the past, so strong that we build such splendid buildings just to house the detritus of past ages? Is it admiration for the craftsmanship and ingenuity of man? Could it be the fact that humans can be so different just because of when they lived and where? Or is it just like when the neighbour has a garage sale; we just want to see what stuff they have got and compare it with our own.

Who knows.

I hope that you have some precious memories of this year to store up in your cabinets and that 2015 is a year of adventure and discovery. Best wishes.


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