Lazy Sunday in Versailles

Tulips in Versailles
Tulips in Versailles

“Describe in pictures a perfect day” prompts WordPress.

Weekly Photo Prompt: Today Was a Good Day

We spent the most wonderful day in Versailles and I thought that, it being Sunday (well at least in Western Australia at the time of publication) a little stroll through the palace and its delightful grounds might be pleasant for those waking up to a day of rest. (Apologies to those about to work for the day! I hope this little collection helps divert you for a moment or two!)

I have also included Youtube links to some of my favorite French (or French inspired) songs that you might like to listen two while browsing through the gallery.

Bon weekend mes amis!


  1. They are some stunning photos, quite magical. A wonderful way to while away a few minutes on a lazy Sunday,dreaming of holidays past and to come … How on earth did you get a photo of Galeries des Glaces with no-one there???? In fact, none of the photos seem to have people in them, how did you manage that at such a popular attraction?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Naturally I had a private viewing…umm actually I just got there really early and then waited in some places until the punters moved out of the way. (But I am sticking to my first reason). 🙂


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