French Friday

This peculiar door just near Sacré Cœur , Montmartre is one of the more extreme examples of Art Noveau
This peculiar door just near Sacré Cœur , Montmartre is one of the more extreme examples of Art Nouveau

Number 1, Place du Calvaire is the final home of Maurice Neumont, a poster artist who was also a close friend of Hector Guimard. If you love the Guimard Art Nouveau entrances to the Metro you may want to find this door, which is just near the Sacré Cœur, a mere step from the bustling tourist centre of Montmartre. The Dali Museum is also nearby. The peculiar spider web grille near the handle and the strange bat-like quality of the door design make it seem out of place in the stark Art Deco style portico.

I love finding these little unexpected things and was pleased to be there on a charming April day in Paris.

There are so many intriguing doors in Paris that I would love to be able to go through. If you have any favourite photos of French doors or buildings you would like to share this week then please add a link to your post in the comments section. Otherwise, share anything you love that is French.

Thanks for stopping by on French Friday!

Many thanks to Dede of Life Rewritten for her exquisite photo of some of the delightful rooftops of Paris.

Daily Post Photo Challenge: Happy Place


  1. I do love doors, and this one you’ve shared is Very Interesting! I don’t know if the doors are necessarily French–on the photo site I usually use, so…quel dommage! But if I find one, I’ll let you know 🙂

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