TJ’s Household Haiku

Place Monge Flowers
I saw and photographed these lovely flowers in the Place Monge markets one April in Paris.

The heady perfume

Promises of lasting joy

Beauty has it’s price

Welcome to TJ’s Household haiku!

The prompt words this week are “Perfume and Joy”

You can use the photo as inspiration or the prompt words (or both indeed if you would care to 🙂 )

Last week’s prompts produced a positive plethora of poetic fantasias.

Simple joys enjoyed by “Two on a Rant” this week

Sarah has used an aspect of the photo for her haiku. Love to see this and please do the same if you like something in the photo rather than the prompt words!

Also Sara used the prompts with a lovely photo of a loyal friend.

Mick E Talbot is a positive haiku machine! So many great interpretations of the prompts! In awe!

The wonderful Ritu is an advocate for letter writing and lovely to see two haiku, one from the prompt words and one from the photo! 

TJ’s Household Haiku – Perfume & Joy

Kia gives us genuine food for thought in his possibly provocative but passionate post on the animals we love and the animals we eat. Very well worth the read.

It’s a wonderful night for a moondance with Annette Rochelle Aben this week.

Prairie Chat has an intriguing photo. What will happen next?


A lovely cascading haiku from Jael Sook. Uplifting and beautifully constructed.

A great photo accompanies this thought provoking haiku by Olga this week

Charmed Chaos has found order in this great haiku on writing.

#Haiku 18: Full & Only

Welcome to Oneta Hayes who asked the moon a very pertinent question in this great example of haiku.


And last, but never least, Kat Myrman gives us the essence of life.

A Life Full


If you would like to join in simply add a link to your haiku post in the comment section (press the little black speech bubble to access)

This is a haiku hub event. 

Haiku Hub Badge copyright TJ Paris 2016





  1. This is perfect, TJ! Love your prompt words and the glorious photo–and of course, your haiku…echoes what we were chatting about earlier this week, or last. PS–I know you don’t have time to get around to my blog much, but if you get a quick chance, I have a free verse tale which might amuse you just a bit: “Interview with Madame Mal de Coucou” 🙂

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