TJ’s Household Haiku

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A little unguent bottle I bought at the Vanves Second hand market in Paris. It may well be ancient Roman! If not, it is a very good copy.

Familiar Perfume

Lingering in the night air

Conjure a lost dream

Prompt words: Perfume and Lost

Have you ever suddenly smelt a scent that generates a wonderful, vivid memory of a time from your past? Smell, it seems, is capable of triggering the recall of a whole experience which you may have well forgotten.

My travel tip for anyone going to new places is to buy a new perfume (or aftershave) and only wear it for the first time on your trip. When you return, every time you use the remainder it will dredge up wonderful feelings.

Many thanks to those who joined in last week’s prompts of TJ’s Household Haiku of “Leaf and Look”.

Annette Rochelle Aben starts the fun with a haiku pun

Ritu branches out with two lovely haiku

TJ’s Household Haiku – Leaf & Look

Floridaborne is unfazed by the drifting leaves

Jane Dougherty gazes up through a sea of green

Magic in the heavens from No Saint Augustine

It is the missing leaf that makes Mick E Talbot’s poem so poignant

Three very different types of foliage from Sarah this week with great photos

Judy Martin has empowered the flowers

Olga has coupled a wonderful photograph with leaves from a family tree

Playing with words is not ready to prune just yet!

Second chance

Leaves may fall but this Tanka by Storyteller offers the hope of spring

Charmed Chaos has a bird’s eye view this week

#Haiku 48: Cuckoo

Please do let me know if every I miss your post! Sometimes the comments get a little lost. I will always do my best to include every link.

Please don’t hesitate to join in if you would like. Just add a link to your post in the comment section and tag it “TJ’s Household Haiku” so I can find it easily.





          1. Must is a mysterious word if it even exists (beyond the verb). Everybody knows the ‘musty smell’ image, but what exactly is must? My children say that things smell of must, but I’m not sure they have an idea of what the offending stuff is.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. I thought it was something to do with wine and the stuff left behind but I always associate it with the lovely smell of old books 🙂


  1. I had to abandon a number of wonderful (expensive) designer perfumes over the decades–as you’ve noted, fragrance is a powerful trigger, whether of positive or negative associations, memories. Fabulous prompt words…

    Liked by 1 person

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