Haiku – Black and White

This little Buddhist monk smiles knowingly from my china cabinet.

Blanc de Chine Buddhas

Sit and wait in a film noir

For the first gunshot

Ronovan Writes’ haiku challenge prompts this week are “Black and White”. I have gone for French words used in English contexts these days. We have recently been revisiting old black and white “Film Noir” and the wonderful effects that were generated by manipulation of light and dramatic technique to overcome the lack of colour.

Opening Scene: The camera focuses upon a pair of stark white porcelain Buddhas squatting on a black onyx table, gazing out smilingly into the room . The  camera pans across the room, a study. The typical accouterments appear, a bookcase, a desk with Art Deco inkwells and a chrome lamp, a comfortable armchair and then, on the parquetry floor the black pool of liquid slowly spreading into the circle of light cast by the desk lamp….



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