TJ’s Household Haiku Challenge

Charming Rennes
The main square of the insanely picturesque Rennes

The ancient lattice

Enclose for five hundred years

Life’s tiny moments

Welcome to TJ’s Household Haiku Challenge. My apologies for not popping up last weekend as I was staying with my Brother in Melbourne whose quaint Aussie bungalow seemed not to like internet.

The challenge words for this week are “Moment” and “Ancient

You can use either the words or the picture to construct your own haiku and add a link in the comments section at the end of the post (press the black speech bubble to access)

This is a picture I took in Rennes several years ago. This is a most delightful section of the Capital of Brittany. The whole area is full of these amazing, colourful buildings and the endlessly “wonky” shapes are so delightfully human that I was in rapture with each new twist and turn of the streets.

I also ate was was definitely the most delicious filled baguette that I have ever eaten in France (which is definitely saying something given how delicious the bread is everywhere.) The fact it was passed to me through the shutters of a 16th Century shopfront, unchanged for 500 years, also helped to make it memorable.

Thanks to those who composed wonderful Haiku for the last challenge!

Tucked into a Corner started with a wonderful triplet of haiku about the sun and moon and its effects. Always wonderful interpretations of the prompts!

But I Smile Anyway has two very different takes on the prompt. Beautiful writing.

TJ’s Household Haiku – Sun and Moon

Lady Lee Manila has four beautiful haiku filled with joy.

The Recovering Know It All has a great haiku and then, as he often does, gone on to create a really thought provoking post that well repays the read. Check it out!

Welcome to Thoughts of Words whose great haiku gives a lovely take on cosmic actions.

Misplaced Peaces has produced a wonderful form of cascading haiku where each haiku, complete in itself, moves into the theme of the next. It is a very effective and fascinating use of the haiku form. Check it out for inspiration.

Edwina’s Episodes…Just clicking on the link to her page brightens the day with her bright theme page. Great haiku this week with a serene feel.

The Ying and Yang of the sun and moon are beautifully captured by Image and Word this week

The reflected glories of the sun and moon are captured expertly by Annette Rochelle Arben here for all to enjoy.

Haiku Hub

Are you a lover of haiku? You may like to join the Haiku Hub! Click here for more information.

Haiku Hub Badge copyright TJ Paris 2016



        1. I will certainly do so. Always great to find another Haiku enthusiast. Hope you have a great day (or evening) depending on where you are in the big wide world. 🙂


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