Flash Fiction – Tonight You Die

St Malo, Grand Be Causeway
St Malo in the distance while the tide rushes in to trap the unwary traveler lingering at Chateaubriand’s tomb. https://amaviedecoeurentier.wordpress.com/2015/03/03/rebel-without-a-causeway/

I had come to St Malo for inspiration, a fugitive from my past, starting a new life as an artist.

Standing on the causeway between St Malo and the Grand Beh I was startled by my telephone. The message was unequivocal.

“Tonight you die!

I will have the rope ready.”

As if hit by a poleaxe I fell to the cobblestones where I flailed about for a moment and then got to my feet. What could I have done to deserve this? I glanced at the phone…private number…untraceable. When you leave behind another life there are always loose ends…

There was that dry-cleaner who swore I owed him for that shirt…or perhaps the waiter who I forgot to tip and spat in my minestrone?…

Petrified, I hurried to my art class. “Safety in numbers” whispered my heart.

Phillipe would know what to do. So artistic, but alas, his creative skills also applied to his spelling.

As I approached his studio I saw on the notice-board in lurid letters…

“Let’s Tie Die! fabricks for the fashionisters.”


Friday Fiction – Ronovan Writes

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers


    1. Thanks so much. Just getting up here in Western Australia so thanks for the nice words to start the day. I took the picture looking out from the little island “Grand Beh” onto St Malo where I was staying for a magical 2 weeks. It is such a picturesque place and the ever changing tides change the views continuously. Bon weekend. TJ

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks. Trying to develop a story of sorts in 175 words or less is very trying. I keep wanting let my natural propensity towards prolix persiflage burst forth.


        1. They say “Brevity is the soul of wit” but as most young people I speak with have no idea what “brevity” actually means I sigh and ramble on.


          1. That’s a good one! I think the young people are sadly lacking in language skills/vocab–since they rely on texting, etc. They must be great at short-form poetry/flash fiction though, eh?

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Probably so…I briefly had a Twitter account, and was amazed I could get a whole haiku “tweeted”…but that was a short-lived venture. Apparently I’m only suited to blogging 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          3. I am afraid I had no luck on twitter either. Blogging is far better although I still wish it had a slightly more “cool” sounding name. 🙂


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