TJ’s Household Haiku-Tide

Blue Ringed octopus Western Australia electric blue rings.
When in North Western Australia, always look down when you walk. If the blue ringed octopus doesn’t get you the stone fish or the cone shell will. A photo I snapped in the shallow water surrounding an uninhabited island of the Western Australian Coast.



Here that fatal tide

Ebbing swift from my footsteps

Brings death’s strange beauty


Hi Everyone! It’s Household Haiku Time!

Use the photo or the prompt word (or both) to write a haiku this week.

If you would like to join in a regular group of Haiku Enthusiasts then check out the Haiku Hub and introduce yourself.

I could have died before I took this picture as it is of course the deadly Blue Ringed Octopus!

Haiku Hub Badge copyright TJ Paris 2016

Last week the prompt was “Green” and the picture prompt is below

fence paint flaking with geraniums
Flaking green paint with geraniums in a country town in Western Australia

Lady Lee Manila is right at home in this charming image and haiku.

Kat Myrman is breaking the boundaries of photography and haiku here!

Kia poses the questions of life in this masterly collection. What goes around comes around.

Annette Rochelle Aben has led us to a lovely tranquil green world here.

Freya has harked back to our Salad Days when we are green in judgement. Lovely image too!

TJ’s Household Haiku Challenge – Green

Ruth nails the form this week with an image filled tribute to the garden.

Ritu has taken the prompt in a different direction and hit it for six!

Welcome to Suzanne of Photography Plus whose photography and haiku show some of the delights of the Southern Australian winter.

ISM of My Choice 360 has this week produced two brilliant haiku. Very Japanese in feel these ones!

Life Home and Away has the dew on the grass as a wonderful source of inspiration here.

Kiwinana of Ramblings of a Writer 2016 has stretched the boundaries with this floral tribute. Welcome to the Haiku Crew!

Welcome to TJ’s Household Haiku – Green

Lines of Shadeau produced some beautiful imagery with this patinated collection












  1. Wow! Very relatable haiku. . Well written. .

    And that picture of blue ringed octopus is lovely and deadly at the same time. . haha. .

    Have a great weekend TJ. . . 🙂


    1. It was a very special thing to be able to photograph it. They are truly amazing things. The electric blue rings literally glimmered and shone. The world is an amazing place.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Love your deadly-good haiku, TJ!! And the photo–and the prompt! And thanks ever so much for making the prompt word match your link 🙂 🙂 And as always, thanks for the nice mention–see you soon! (PS–my serious side got nervous about how you might have expired before taking the photo… dangerous beauty abounds…made me think of my all-time fave Aussie, the late Steve Irwin…he brought me–and the world–so much joy and unabated enthusiasm, and now I get sad when I recall that he’s gone.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you liked the prompt and looking forward to see what you can do with it. A busy start to the week but at least I was not dealing with deadly creatures. It was an amazing thing to get a photo of but like you, poor Steve Irwin’s fate made a huge impression here. We live with so many potentially deadly things in Australia it is easy to be a little complacent.


          1. It truly did–I was a wreck, and then watched the memorial service on TV, sobbed like I actually knew him… A friend called to break the news to me…she said, “Crikey died”, as that’s always how I thought of him, “Crikey”. Far too young, but he taught us all A LOT!

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          2. Sorry I am in and out on the web today so am working through my comments so have at last reached “real time” We actually did not see a lot of him on our own TV as he was more of an overseas phenomenom but he was an Australian Icon and a truly genuine and good person. He is the only current Aussie I know who shouts “Crickey” so we all know who you mean.


          3. I discovered him when I was in one of my prolonged periods of Depression–each afternoon his program would come on, and I began watching religiously. His enthusiasm was so contagious that I started feeling chipper!!

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          4. I agree, his legacy was monumental–yet how I miss him. His daughter, Bindi, seems to be doing well–she really embodies Crikey’s spirit, I think.

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          5. She is quite amazing and managed to handle the loss of a very public and popular father with maturity beyond her years.


          6. It is so hard to find good help these days. I had to let our butler go after I found him dallying with the lower parlour maid.


    1. You have done quite right in leaving a link here and thanks so much for joining in! Welcome and what can I say…”WOW!” your art is fantastic. The haiku presages your wonderful collection perfectly.

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    1. The blue truly is that vivid. I have never seen anything like it. It sort of flashes and changes. They are unbelievable creatures. I looked at it for a while but then freaked out and ran away!


    1. Hi Somali! I am so sorry but your comment for some reason was put in my spam box so I only just discovered it. I will make sure your great haiku is mentioned in the next challenge!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks TJ. I don’t get online all that much at the moment so it will be later in the week before I respond to your next challenge. Mushrooms? Can’t think of a thing except for the fact I ate some dinner last night. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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