Jardin du Luxembourg

The last hurrah of Autumn in the Jardin du Luxembourg.
The last hurrah of Autumn in the Jardin du Luxembourg.

These gardens began in 1612, constructed for the formidable Marie de Medici as pleasure grounds for her new residence, the Luxembourg Palace, now sadly an embassy and inaccessible to the hoi polloi. We were there slightly later in Autumn and this photo records the last hurrah of the charming country style flowers that were planted in profusion about the garden.

Having been there in spring when it was all tulips, this planting of simple country flowers was particularly charming. Naturally we returned to Australia determined to replicate the effect in our own garden. Dozens of punnets later we enjoyed for a brief, but ecstatic moment, a garden rich in verbina, stocks and sweet william until an typical Perth day of 40 degrees burnt everything to a crisp.


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