Mondayitis in Motion

Sometimes it is wise to stop and let the world go by.
Sometimes it is wise to stop and let the world go by.

Weekly Photo Challenge – Motion

Mondayitis! Not Again!

Here it is, another Monday!

I read yesterday in an infuriating tabloid rag (Our local “Sunday Times”) that we are now to take yet another hint from those experts of human biology and brain function….American Movie Celebrities! According to these glittering savants, by incorporating a 10 minute meditation in our day all of our ills, stress and anxiety shall be cured!

I am rather over this concept of “speed” relaxing as if it somehow makes up for the fact that we spend the rest of the day like a hamster on a wheel whose water dripper has been filled with Red Bull.

“Power Naps” were the start of this and I say “Pshaw!” and even “Pish!”

Naps are something that overwrought babies need when when their toothipegs are coming through or what dear old Nanna does, “bless her!”, after playing an overexciting game of Canasta with her septuagenarian cronies.

If I want to relax then I would like these Celebrity gurus to give sensible advice.

Rather than having Ms Jolie or Mr Jackman or whoever the latest Celeb with a honorary neuroscience degree preaching “Mini Meditation” why not have an actor one can admire…Steve Buscemi for example, advocating something truly sensible, like advising our bosses that we should all have Mondays off whenever we feel the need to “Recharge”.

Alas, I fear that such sensible notions will never be advocated by the Glitterati, and so I must just gaze upon my photo of a serene duck amongst the reeds and dream of Utopia.


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