The Butterfly’s One Summer

This butterfly rested on the plant in the Exmouth Gorges, its tattered wings nearing their end and yet it still flew off into the sunshine.
This butterfly rested on the plant in the Exmouth Gorges, its tattered wings nearing their end and yet it still flew off into the sunshine.

The Butterfly’s One Summer

The butterfly had seen its one summer. The sunlight that shone from its wings newly unfurled now passed through the tattered network left from too much flying. One last flight in the sunshine, high up in the ranges to rest at last amongst the flowers and remember.

Remember the breezes that carried it away from home and to love. That whirlwind romance.  Sipping nectar from rare flowers beneath the blazing summer sun. Its wings of the finest tissue carrying it onwards, each beat slowing tearing them to tatters. Yet to fly in the sunshine, to love in the sunshine…and to die in the sunshine…who could want more?

And then the last imperceptible flutter of the wings and a short fall to the earth, wind rustling the wings like scraps of torn paper.

And so the butterfly’s one summer ends and the breeze that rustled the wings moves on, and if you look closely you can see the faintest shape of a perfect butterfly riding the wind into the sunlight.

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers



  1. Touching story TJ! Sad that the butterfly was coming to the end of its “one” summer. But I loved the end when the butterfly became a “perfect butterfly” as a ghost in the wind. Lovely story!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I want to make the following paragraph into a person and then marry him! Either that or I have to hit you for making me feel so much in what …169 words! What a way to own your photo, which equally impressed me. I’m definitely coming back to reread this piece later.

    Here’s the paragraph I want to marry:

    “Remember the breezes that carried it away from home and to love. That whirlwind romance. Sipping nectar from rare flowers beneath the blazing summer sun. Its wings of the finest tissue carrying it onwards, each beat slowing tearing them to tatters. Yet to fly in the sunshine, to love in the sunshine…and to die in the sunshine…who could want more?”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just starting the day and what a lovely comment to find! Thank you so much! I am so glad you liked the picture and the story which just seemed to come naturally the other day. I think I would prefer you to wed the paragraph rather than hit me! 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful weekend and thanks again for making my day. 🙂


    1. Thanks so much. To find that little fragile butterfly sitting there so obligingly was very fortunate for me. I am so delighted that you liked the story. It is so important to try and make the most of life. It is very precious. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. TJ

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This gave me goosebumps!!! Absolutely fell in love with it, so romantic. I was all caught up in the summer along with the butterfly, I would love to spend my summer that way! Thanks for the fantastic story to go with the wonderful photo!!

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