What? No Hanky Panky? FFfAW

Doll Bar St Malo
Taken while swinging at the bar in this strange pub in the heart of St Malo.

Little Wendy, Mother, The Danger Twins and Grandmamma and Grandpappa Lowenbrau had trudged behind Great Aunt Eunice about the streets of St Malo for two hours hoping to rediscover the curio store where she had spotted a “naughty” enamel snuff box. So French!

“Do let’s stop for a drinkie!”

Great Aunt Eunice stopped outside a bar which surprisingly had swings hanging from the ceiling instead of bar stools and was filled with old dolls.

The Bartender did not look remotely indulgent.


“A Bees Knees for me, a Parfait D’Amour for my sister, the gentleman a Mary Pickford.”

“Nothing for me!” said mother while the twins started swinging at the bar.

The barman’s face grew ominous.

“I do not know deez.” He said.

“Really? Well how about two Knickerbockers and a Singapore Sling?”

“Non madame!”

“A Monkey Gland and two Corpse Revivers?”


“Hanky Panky?”

“Non absolutement!”

“Cinq bières s’il vous plait Monsieur” said little Wendy unexpectedly.

“Bien sûr Madamoiselle!”

The now smiling bartender filled five glasses with beer.

“Well that is just typical.” Sighed mother


It seems a shame that all of Great Aunt Eunice’s favorite cocktails are not more widely known, except Parfait d’Amour which I tracked down a bottle of once. It is still in the cupboard barely touched after the wonderfully alluring purple beverage tasted exactly like the smell of cheap lavender scented toilet cleaner.

This 175 word short story is in response to Priceless Joy’s weekly Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers and is inspired by the prompt photo kindly supplied by Etol Bagam and is included below.


    1. It is simply amazing that the bartender did not know the drinks! They were perfectly common in the 1920s! Thanks so much for reading 🙂 TJ


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