TJ’s Household Haiku Challenge – Art

Paul Winzar
This is an oil painting by Perth artist Paul Winzar.

Stretched within a frame

A glimpse of another world

Forever springtime

Howdy folks! It’s Saturday (again?!!!!) and naturally it is time for a haiku! The prompt today is “art”. You might have a favorite picture hanging on a wall, or a piece of sculpture, or perhaps something the has the potential to be art because you snapped it from an interesting angle.

I have been endeavoring to read a book on modern art in the train to work each day. While some of the work I “get” other apparent masterpieces leave me incredulous.

This is a photo of a painting we look at every day. It is painted by a local artist Paul Winzar and for those who know Perth it has a wonderful look of Western Australia with its olive greens, blues and browns. The scrubby bushes overhanging the dappled water is typical of the burst of growth we get near our limited waterways. It is the first thing I see as I tear myself from the arms of Morpheus to get my morning coffee and it perks me up immensely.

If you would like to participate then simply link your post containing your art inspired haiku in the comments section by clicking on the black speech bubble at the end of the post and I will feature it in next week’s post.

Many thanks to the poets who crafted Haiku gems for us to enjoy last week based on the prompt – “House Number

A brilliant personalisation of the depersonalisation of number from Azul Zaffre in this great trio of haiku and first up this week!

I share Kat’s horror of the red numbers in this flashy haiku! Great image and haiku.

what’s this? Is Judy casting aspersions on us menfolk? I don’t have a remote idea as to what is being implied, but then, I am a man. 🙂

Pat B has come up with a wonderful haiku sequence about the potential of numbers to remain personal.

Elusive Trope’s obscure allusion to his number will enlighten you. Great image and haiku here. Numerologists take note!

The impermanence of numbers is cleverly explored  in the great sequence from Tucked Into a Corner who always shares more than one haiku each week. Do check them out!

Kia of the Recovering Know It All has shared a very personal story through haiku and commentary and the message is one we all should embrace. Thanks for your story Kia!

La vie est trop courte pour boire du mauvais vin!

And lastly this week, “Five” from Life Home and Away. Some great truths on the capacity of the number five. Work hard and enjoy life…a great motto.

About writing haiku: Basically most Westerners stick to the rules that it is 3 lines long with 5 7 5 syllables. The content is not strictly set, but ideally it should have some sort of reference to seasons and the end line should shift the original imagery into an unexpected path.

Japanese haiku is basically 3 lines but the number of syllables can vary. It also has a reference to seasons but often using accepted words that have developed symbolic links to seasons (crickets for example showing summer).

If you try to find an actual definition of a haiku at the end of the day it usually devolves down to…a short poem.

So don’t be daunted by the idea of strict rules. Japanese and English have completely different concept of “Syllables” so I just use 5 7 5 because I enjoy the challenge of choosing words to fit. If yours is 6 7 5 it is still a valid haiku.

So basically go with the flow and let you inner haiku master roam free!

あなたのすごいはいくを楽しみに待っている。ーLooking forward to your amazing haiku!





  1. Interesting theme, TJ. Just love that painting with its misty blend of colors. Your haiku is perfect for the image. Yes, art is a glimpse into another world. Wonderful words.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a lovely pastoral painting (I think that’s the correct term?)–thanks for the mention (I love being #1 sometimes!), and “art” is a wonderfully unlimited source of haiku inspiration. Great challenge choice, TJ! Will work on it this weekend 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It thrills me so much when I acquit myself well in your household haiku challenges. I only do 2 challenges, yours and the 6-Sentence Stories–I enjoy them both 🙂 As soon as I saw your word was “art”, I knew my entry would run on for several stanzas… 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You are too kind. I am very flattered that you join in and have been so thrilled to have talented people such as yourself stop on by. These connections are so precious to me. Thanks for being part of a wonderful world of interesting people I never before knew existed! TJ


          1. Oh my, you’re such a gentleman–I, too, find these connections are a precious part of each day. Lots of interesting people–and phenomenal writers! Speaking of gentlemen, have you seen the new Robert DeNiro movie, “The Intern”? If not, you must! Aside from much hilarity, he salutes the “old school gentlemen” who carried handkerchiefs for the chivalrous purpose of loaning them to weeping women…. 🙂

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    1. I am so delighted and flattered that you have joined in this week. Thank you! 🙂 I love the haiku and the image. What an absolutely fantastic picture. I can understand that it would have been hard to look at such a sympathetically drawn portrait. The picture has such a wonderful vibrancy. I am in awe. Hope your weekend is going swimmingly and thanks again for adding your talent to the challenge. Best wishes. TJ

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