Longing for Light

Mithras statue Roman
Mithras statue Roman
Mithras, the ancient Sun God vanquishes the darkness. TJ Paris Photography©

In the darkness my beating heart

Sets me apart

From the stillness

My black illness

Lost in a spiral eternal

Night infernal

Must end with morn

Come palid dawn

In the blackness I lie awake

Wait, for daybreak

Must banish night

With sickly light

In response to Jane Dougherty’s Poetry Challenge – Daybreak using the poetry form “minute” 3 stanzas of 4 lines each with 8444 syllables and an aabb ccdd eeff rhyming scheme.



    1. Thanks so much! It is a hard form not to fall into a “jingle” style I think. So glad to have found your challenge. I look forward to it each week now. Thanks again.


          1. WOW! In future, when one of those “good ideas” comes to mind–might I suggest having a lie down, watch a movie till it goes away? 🙂 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          2. I have realised that precision carpentry is not my calling. Now all I have to do is hand paint 9 Rennaisance panel inserts and I am finished. 🙂


          3. Hahahahaha–oh gosh! Lesson learned, eh? The inserts sound lovely, but tricky… I’m sure you’ll look at the finished project/room, and be well-satisfied for your efforts 🙂


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