
sunset in Fremantle Australia
sunset in Fremantle Australia
Gold in the clouds

How did a tapestry so carefully woven become so threadbare?

Each little stitch, unravelling.

Tarnished gold,

Rusted red,

Sun bleached blue,

The image lost, in tatters.

And now with the last tug on the merest thread,

Rip the whole to shreds.

Take a new frame and stretch the warp

Weave a new dream.


    1. So sorry not to reply to your lovely message. It is a wonderful thing to hear and I need someone looking out for me at the moment. I will be erratic for a while as I deal with some major changes in my life but writing helps, as do the kind wishes of my friends out there. Every best wish to you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I have the shuttle ready but am having trouble working out the new pattern. Having friends to weave a new dream with is a wonderful thing. Very best wishes to you and I hope to be back more often from now on. 🙂


    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement and kindness (as always) Sorry to have been so erratic but I am dealing with some major issues at the moment and hope to get back on track soon. Friends and writing are both great helps. Best wishes for the year. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Curtis! I am slowly getting back into it again after some big personal issues so hope to be writing more soon. Hope your year has started wonderfully well. TJ

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh m’dear. Thank you so much. It has been t
      he most amazing journey with a horrifying roller coaster ride after. Just rebuilding at the moment. Bon weekend! 🙂


      1. A horrifying roller coaster ride doesn’t sound good, dear TJ–is everyone okay and accounted for?? My prayers are constant for you all, and love too–I may be somewhat absent temporarily, but will catch up. ❤ 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Everyone is accounted for thankfully and your prayers are greatly appreciated. I am trying to get back on track again and cometo terms with some major relationship changes in my life so forgive me for being erratic for a while. Great friends and family are such precious things and I have been blessed with so many. God’s speed! 🙂


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