TJ’s Household Challenge

Caught in a whirlwind

Life makes us all so giddy

Even the Earth spins

Prompt Words: Earth and Whirlwind

Hi ho Haiku devotees.

I know, I know. It has been two weeks since the last prompt.

Well, here’s the thing. Life has been pretty frantic lately for yours truly so I have to try to rebalance myself a bit. I love to read and feature every haiku and I don’t want to feel I am doing you an injustice by having to scramble through your wonderful poetry at the last minute so, for the time being, the challenge will be a fortnightly affair. I hope this won’t put you off joining in and any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

About the photo: The Museum of Modern Art in Paris is not only free to visit but is a wonder of 1930s modern architecture filled with wonderful, vibrant artworks. This is a photo of a work by Delaunay and, in real life is a massive canvas place on a wall by itself. I just love the colour and movement. Amazingly very few tourists seem to visit the Museum. It also affords one of the most spectacular views of the Eiffel Tower across the Seine. Well worth the time if you are in Paris.

First up for the last prompt is the “Bag Lady” with delightful simplicity

T Js Household Haiku

Olga has two of her own ever-stunning photographs to accompany her lovely interpretations of the prompts.

Florida Borne has nature at heart here.

Reena Saxeena’s Haiku is a moving glimpse into the heart

Playing with word inundates us with imagery here


Annette Rochelle Aben’s lovely word peek through the curtains

Mick E Talbot has a string of pearls that sparkle like dewdrops on a spider’s web in the morning sunshine

Jane Doherty has us looking skyward for starry inspiration

Ritu has a duo of lovely introspection

TJ’s Household Haiku – Window & Heart

Miriam Hurdle shares the chances we sometime see through the window of our heart.

TJ’s Household Haiku – Window & Heart

The Recovering Know it All has, as always, given us a brilliant glimpse of a better world and challenged us with his reflections that accompany his poetry.

A bibliographical take from the brilliant “Paging Me”

By Sarah has summed up what we all should do in this wonderfully presented haiku

Willowdot21 has mad magic of dust in these two excellent haiku

A hark back to the prompt before and apologies to God’s Chair for missing the wonderful haiku in the last roundup!

No Saint Augustine plays with words with great effect here

A wonderfully atmospheric Tanka from Charmed Chaos

#Tanka: Window & Heart

New windows open wide in this lovely haiku pairing from Rhadika

Fleeting moments must be grabbed here in Edwina’s Episodes

You must check out Olga’s wonderful photographs that accompany her joyous haiku! Aloha!

Suzanne delights us with a beautiful haiku and a wonderfully tranquil photo to match.

Tucked Into a Corner has a triptych of haiku that is magnificent. Rain on the windows

Oneta Hayes gives us a glimpse of radiant colour here


Afterwards has brought joie de vivre to the haiku genre (and a little tongue in cheek)

Heart and Window – TJ’s household Haiku

Welcome to Night Unlatched with a perfect example of haiku creating lingering images

Bravo to Kat Myrman! Surely the first person to use “Oriel” in a haiku! Love it!

Castle Keep

The Syllabub Sea has my eyes fogging up with this wistful haiku and a beautiful image.

This is a Haiku Hub event!








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