Wednesday Gratitude – Event

Ceiling roundel at Vaux le Vicomte
Rise above and look for brighter things!

Can it be Wednesday again? Thanks to those who dropped by to share three things you are grateful for each Wednesday. Why not spend a minute or two and focus on a few things that are worth being thankful for today?

My Three Things for Wednesday 24th May

  1. An unexpected delicious cake at morning tea baked by a colleague
  2. Some more clarity about my life’s direction
  3. The morning light though two old stained glass windows I found one day in a junk store.

Share in the comments either through a link to a post you write or simply put it down in the comment section (press the little black speech bubble to access)

Here is a collection of the contributions from last week.

My Three Things for Wednesday 17th May

  1. My 5 Wonderful Children
  2. The Perfect blue sky and the cool Autumn day outside
  3. Expecting a friend for dinner this evening

From Olga

  1. I’m still alive.
  2. I still have a creative mind.
  3. Photography and poetry have enhanced my life.

From Ritu

1) my hayfever medication! Oh it was bad yesterday!)
2) my children *noisy, crazy, annoying… but I love Em!)
3) my umbrella! (Today it is pouring…and meant to all day!)

From Wild Daffodil

I love Wednesdays as they are the day when my Home Educated, 9 year old Granddaughter comes to me and we do creative stuff together.
Creativity, grandchildren and good health are what I’m grateful for today.
(and “Toodles”! – I shall be using that one. Thanks TJ)




1. It’s raining heavily and that means I don’t have to water the many pots in the garden tonight! I planned to have less this year but ….

2. I had a wonderful trip to Malaga last week and feel so much better for it.
3. Donald Trump is not my President but I’m not sure if I’ll be much happier after our election on June 8th,


2. For shade (I’m in a hot place).
3. For the fact that my iPhone (and main camera) can be jump-started when it appears to have died – long may that last! You’ve reminded me that I’d better download my latest pictures, just to be on the safe side…


1. That I am retired and all days are weekends in a sense.
2. My daughter that I have not seen in almost a year is coming into town for a visit this weekend.
3. My yard is filled with colorful song birds, darting and dancing among the trees.


  1. Wait! What? It’s Wednesday again?!? HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?

    Well, then, I must lead with:
    1) Time flies by so fast now that any bad day must soon be gone.
    2) My husband had to travel for work today, but he will be home again tomorrow, and I’ll have had a day to miss him and remember there could be such a thing as life *gasp* without him. (God forbid.)
    3) The rhododendrons are starting to bloom, reminding me of where I grew up, where I live now, and our wedding many moons ago.

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