About TJ Paris

It pays to get to Versailles early! A snap I took all alone in the morning.
It pays to get to Versailles early! I hope you will follow my adventures in France, Australia and beyond.

Welcome to

“La vie est trop courte pour boir du mauvais vin”!

So what is it all about?

“Life is too short to drink bad wine” penned Goethe in one of his lighter moments and this is what you hopefully will find here. Celebrating life through photography, poetry, humor and writing. (Drinking good wine is also highly recommended!)

Who am I?

A question I regularly ask myself.

I am an Australian who loves photography, art, collecting, poetry, writing and all things French.

I have had the great good fortune to enjoy some wonderful adventures  with my friends and to see (and photograph) some amazing things. I would like to share my experiences with interested readers. Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog.

What will you find on this blog?

You might like a wander through some of my regular posts or participate in my Haiku challenge, share my Mondayitis rant or read about my travels in France, Oxford and beyond. “French Friday” is a chance for fellow France enthusiasts to share a piece of writing, a photo or anything else they love about France.

You might also like to read my travel story based on an 18th Century Epistolary novel, all the chapters of which can be found here. Papa Bouilloire Goes to Oxford

As they say…”There’s something for everyone!” so I hope you find something for you!

Meilleurs vœux!

How to navigate in this blog

The visuals of this blog are quite minimalist so if you would like to leave a comment on any post, select the plus (+) sign in the speech bubble at the bottom of each post. I always love to hear your opinion. If you select the (+) sign in the circle beneath each post it will open up all the other information about recent posts, links, blogs I enjoy and much more! Most of the posts are written to be read anytime and are not a chronological sequence so older posts are worth a visit if you have an area of interest.

About the photographs

All of the photographs I use on my blog are my own work except in a very few rare instances that I would always specifically mention. I would be delighted for you to share or use my images but please do acknowledge their source.

Happy exploring!


  1. What a gorgeous website you have. It is just a gift to anyone who shows up here that you have chosen to share your photos. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. How wonderfully kind of you to say so! Thank you so very much for taking the time to send me such a lovely comment! I am really delighted that you have enjoyed the photos! I love taking them and sharing them on this blog has put me in touch with many wonderful people. Very best wishes to you and I hope you keep visiting! 🙂

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  2. Life certainly IS too short to drink bad wine or bad drinks of any sort. If you like all things French, are you a biking fan? I’m really looking forward to the Tour and just finished watching the Dauphine. Good stuff.


    Liked by 2 people

  3. Congratulations your Blog is beautiful! Very interesting and I love your photos I will surely come back! I am happy that you heard about my Meet and Greet session, so now I got to see some of your great work! 🙂 I follow let’s stay connected… 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. HI! I just wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the Real Neat Blog Award but I see that you’ve already been nominated so now you have 2 nominations 🙂 Your Household Haiku Challenge is a joy to my life 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much! I am very flattered and so delighted that you enjoy the challenges. I have been nominated for this award once but I have not had the chance to respond as it deserved so I will love to accept this one. I am looking forward to reading your “Lamp” haiku which I haven’t seen pop up just yet. Best wishes! 🙂

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    1. Very pleased to meet you too! 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to drop by and have a stroll through some of my posts. I see you have a poetry blog. I will certainly enjoy reading some of your work. Meilleurs voeux! 🙂


  5. It was too late before I noticed Elusive Trope has been here already. In that case still check out what the LINK is and enjoy what you find. If you so desire to participate in both that is your choice. Otherwise, please enjoy what is written by the guest writer. jk 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much for nominating me! I have been pretty busy of late so have not had a chance to create a post for Elusive Trope’s nomination but will be putting up my first one shortly and will definitely link to you both. Hope you have a relaxing and wonderful Sunday! TJ

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      1. You are so sweet. Busy is the word. Trying to get everything accomplished takes more time than is often available no matter hard your time is managed.

        Can’t wait to see what quotes you choose. I know they will be grand. 🙂

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  6. Yes… good red wine is the essence of a great life! Well, maybe even mediocre red wine will do on occasion. As the fellow said… life’s too short! Thanks for following OMBH… I hope you come away with a few smiles when you visit! I’m going to enjoy my trips to your blog! 😉

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  7. Hi TJ! Great blog, I’ve just discovered it. I love the visuals and your photos. I live part of the year in France, although I write about Greece, so I’m looking forward to exploring.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much for the lovely comment and also for the follow! So delighted you have enjoyed some of my posts and hope you enjoy more in the future. I will look forward to visiting your blog too! Very best wishes from Western Australia. TJ 🙂

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  8. TJ, shhhh! I’m traveling incognito though I suspect you’ll know me 🙂 I’m here to wish you a most blessed New Year–and also to ask you a “French” question. There are 2 words (French) for “low-cut neckline, garment”, and I’m wondering whether you know if they are interchangeable, or if each is used specific to a certain garment/style/occasion… The words are decolletage and decollete. No rush to get back to me (I’m Following you now). And oooh, your year-end challenge is so very attractive, but I really don’t want to expose my identity–so if I write to your prompt, you can’t make a big splash about me, agreed? I’m told my writing style is very recognizable… Stay safe and well as you ring in 2016! JL

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for your kind wishes and so glad to hear from you! I must confess I was worried but naturally respect your requests. I hope you too have a truly blessed new year and keep in touch.
      In regards to your French question I understand that Decolletage usually refers to the ladies “cleavage” where as the decollete refers to the neckline of the dress. Decolletage can also refer to the dress but I am not aware of it regularly used that way. Of course I may be quite wrong but I did consult a lady friend well versed in matters of feminine attire and she agreed.


      1. Aha! Thanks for the “French” help–I was hunting words for new poetry…and was familiar with the first word, had not heard of decollete. Heaven forbid I should use words wrongly! Thank you for your concerns, it’s just the way I do things…escaping blogs, moving to another, fresh start…(mood swings and holiday crash). I’ve written my “attraction” poem, so will post with your link/pingback–and hope I can avoid undue notice 🙂 See you soon.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I will look forward to it and best wishes on your blogging adventures! 🙂 Will look forward to seeing the words in your poetry at some point. 🙂


  9. Ahhh.. finally I realized how to leave a comment.. 🙂 Happy to be able to read you and officially get acquainted: Hi, I am Dajena, very nice to meet you. Love the blog, it has a wonderful feeling and the pictures are tres jolie 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much! I found your beautiful blog through a comment you made on Azul’s poetry. I am really looking forward to reading more. Thanks for the comment! Locating the comment button is not obvious but I do like the clean look of this theme. Best wishes from Western Australia!

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      1. It does have a darling look, and yay for Azul connecting us 🙂 I am happy to see that you are doing the nawripomo too. Yay! 🙂

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  10. Hey TJ 🙂 Nice blog you have here! If you want to see sights of France, my blog has plenty original, authentic shots captured by me. Also, I would be very interested in joining your haiku endeavour. I have just started but I really enjoy it. Have a fantastic day!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi there and sorry for not getting back sooner (I have been away from the computer for a few days). So delighted you would like to join the Haiku Hub! You are most welcome. I will add a link to your blog in the list of Hub Member on the main page. Best wishes and see you round in the blogosphere! 🙂

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  11. TJ, this is the absent “Stella/RL Cadillac”–fan of your haiku challenges–checking in briefly to update you, after finally discovering that you’d requested entry to one of my blogs marked Private. I am currently NOT blogging–and the “Private” status is basically just a “place holder”, in case I want to work blogs again. I do miss writing haiku for you, but I’ve taken a much-needed hiatus after a major meltdown at the end of April. When I recoup a bit and figure out what I want to do next, I’ll be glad to keep you in the loop. I never forget you, and a handful of other dear poets/bloggers–if you need to reach me, here’s a good email address: mizalicesook@gmail.com. In the meantime, I keep you and your family in my faithful prayers–and wish you all the best life can offer. Take good care, “Alice” (of the many names/blogs).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So sorry to hear you have been through a tough time and I will keep you in my prayers too. I have missed your inspiring poetry and hope you will be soon back on track but I know too well that healing takes time. My e-mail is timp70@gmail.com if you ever need a friend to chat with or just have a vent now and then. We all need a friend now and then and while I can’t solve problems I can always offer a sympathetic ear. May god bless you my dear and bring peace of mind and happiness. With the very best of wishes. TJ


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